Programas de Estudio
Materias pueden cambiar según la matrícula
Asociado o Bachillerato en Teología
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Ofrecemos una educación bíblica y teológica rigurosa
Desde su fundación, el NCTS ha sido reconocido por su dedicación al entrenamiento de hombres y mujeres para el servicio de Dios por medio de una profunda y rigurosa educación bíblica y teológica. Es por este compromiso que el NCTS, continúa enseñando todos los 66 libros de la biblia y áreas teológicas en cada programa de estudios ministeriales.
Aquí comienza tu futuro como pastor o líder. Nuestros programas están diseñados para que puedas identificar en qué área del cuerpo de Cristo podrás ayudar al crecimiento de la iglesia local y la predicación del evangelio. Así podrás ser instrumento en las manos de Dios, en todo lugar que te haya llamado a trabajar en su obra.
MATRICULAS COMIENZAN EN NOVIEMBRE DE CADA AÑO. CLASES PRESENCIALES UN SABADO AL MES. AÑO EDUCATIVO DE ENERO A DICIEMBRE. A continuación algunas materias y descripción de las mismas en inglés, tal y como aparecen en el catálogo de estudios. Para más información escriba al
Associate of Theology
(Program requirements: 61 Credits)
Purpose: This program is made available especially for all students, who want to major in theology, counseling and pastoral ministry.
AS101 Old Testament Survey
AS102 New Testament Survey
AS103 Pastoral Formation
AS104 Pastoral Ministry
AS105 Introduction to Systematic Theology I
AS106 Introduction to Sistematic Theology II
AS107 Church History I
AS108 Church History II
AS109 Hermeneutic
AS110 Homiletic
AS111 Cults & Sects
AS112 Bible Study Method
AS113 Human Rights
AS114 Religious Investigatory Project
AS101 Old Testament Survey - This course is a survey of the 39 books of the Old Testament. Emphasis is placed on the major characters and events, the themes of the books and passages of particular doctrinal significance.
AS102 New Testament Survey - This course is a survey of the New Testament with emphasis on the theme of the New Testament, the writers God used, insights into the Gospels and Pauline Epistles.
AS103 Pastoral Formation - This course, offers an overview of the varied responsibilities of the pastor. Presented is the biblical foundation for practical ministries to equip the student in his functions and relationships as the pastor of the local church.
AS104 Pastoral Ministry - This course, deals with what it takes to be an effective pastor of the local New Testament church. Subjects such as "the pastor as counselor, the pastor and the pulpit, the pastor and deacons, the pastor and weddings, the pastor and funerals and many others are covered. A great course for the pastor and student who desires to pastor.
AS105 -106 Introduction to Systematic Theology 1 & 2 - This introduction to systematic theology has several distinctive: - A strong emphasis on the scriptural basis for each doctrine and teaching - Clear writing, with technical terms kept to a minimum - A contemporary approach, treating subjects of special interest to the church today - A friendly tone, appealing to the emotions and the spirit as well as the intellect - Frequent application to life
AS107 - Church History I - A course takes the student from the beginning of the church age through the 1,700's. Some references are also made to present churches. Special attention is given to the church forefathers, the enemies of the church, the reformation etc.
AS108 - Church History II - An in-depth study covering the Modern Church History era. Many preachers are covered from the 1700's to the present time. A refreshing course of study.
AS109 - Hermeneutic - This course deals with the process of biblical interpretation.
AS110- Homiletic - This course offers an introduction to homiletics, which is the art of preaching. Varied considerations for the course will include the principles of sermon construction, the materials for sermons, the methods of sermon preparation, and the principles of sermon delivery.
AS111- Cults & Sects - This course, taught by Dr. Pedro de Jesús, deals with religions from Pentecost to the present. Many of the false doctrines are exposed. A great course for the student that wants to understand the beliefs and origins of various religions, cults & sects throughout the world.
AS112- Bible Study Method - This course offer an introduction to twelve methods for exploring the riches of God's Word. At least one of them is exactly what you're looking for---an approach that's right for you, right where you're at. Simple step-by-step instructions guide you through the how-tos of the following methods:* Devotional * Chapter Summary * Character Quality * Thematic* Biographical * Topical * Word Study * Book Background * Book Survey* Chapter Analysis * Book Synthesis * Verse Analysis Thousands of individuals, small groups, churches, and seminary classes have used this practical course to unlock the wonderful truths of Scripture.
AS113- Humans Rights - This course deals with the basic rights and freedoms to which all humans are entitled, often held to include the right to life and liberty, freedom of thought and expression, freedom of religion and equality before the law.
AS114- Religious Investigatory Proyect - a short essay or involving personal research, written by a candidate for a degree.

(Program requirements: 120 Credits)
The primary purpose of the Bachelor of Theology in any concentration is to equip persons for competent introductory leadership in some form of specialized ministry in congregations and other settings. It also provides the foundations for a basic understanding of theological disciplines in preparation for graduate study. It also aims to serve as a scholarly enhancement of ministerial practice and preparation for some forms of basic ministerial counseling or basic ministerial teaching.
BT201 Sistematic Theology 1
BT202 Sistematic Theology 2
BT203 New Testament Theology1
BT204 New Testament Theology 2
BT205 Dispensacionalism
BT206 The Trinity
BT214 Pastoral Care - 1
BT215 Pastoral Care - 2
BT216 Counsel for the Sick and Dying
BT210 The Bible Versions
BT211 The Law and the Grace
BT217 Escathology - Premillenial Faith
BT213 Religious Investigatory Proyect BT
BT218 Family in Perspective
BT219 Sexual Orientation Dilemma
BT220 Expository Preaching
BT201 Sistematic Theology 1 - Acquaints students with the elemental building blocks of the Christian faith. The nature and necessity of theology will be considered (i.e. Why theology?), together with major doctrines susch as revelation, scripture, Trinity, creation and sin.
BT202 Sistematic Theology 2 - This is a continuation of Systematic Theology I. It acquaints students with the elemental building blocks of the Christian Faith. The following major doctrines wil be considered: The Person and work of Christ, the nature of salvation and the necessity of faith, the Holy Spirit, ecclesiology and the priesthood of all believers, and eschatology.
BT203 New Testament Theology 1 - Our goal in this course, simply put, is to understand the basic theological message of the New Testament both in its diversity of expression and in its fundamental conceptual unity. To accomplish this goal, the course will pursue three objectives. We will begin by laying a historical and philosophical foundation for our understanding of the theology of the New Testament. We will then examine the major theological themes of the three parts of the New Testament canon. We will, finally, study the theological themes that bind the entire New Testament together as a conceptually unified book.
BT204 New Testament Theology 2 - This is a continuation of New Testament Theology 1. Our goal in this course, simply put, is to understand the basic theological message of the New Testament both in its diversity of expression and in its fundamental conceptual unity. To accomplish this goal, the course will pursue three objectives. We will begin by laying a historical and philosophical foundation for our understanding of the theology of the New Testament. We will then examine the major theological themes of the three parts of the New Testament canon. We will, finally, study the theological themes that bind the entire New Testament together as a conceptually unified book.
BT205 Dispensacionalism - This course examines the Biblical and historical understanding of Classical Dispensationalism, considers God's continuing plan for the nation of Israel (Romans 9-11), and Biblically answers un-biblical conclusions of some dispensationalists.
BT206 The Trinity - The doctrine of the Trinity is foundational to the Christian faith. It is crucial for properly understanding what God is like, how He relates to us, and how we should relate to Him. But it also raises many difficult questions. How can God be both one and three? Is the Trinity a contradiction? If Jesus is God, why do the Gospels record instances where He prayed to God? While we cannot fully understand everything about the Trinity (or anything else), it is possible to answer questions like these and come to a solid grasp of what it means for God to be three in one.
BT210 The Bible Versions - In this course, the student is reminded that the all Bibles (protestant) contains no mistakes or errors. The student analyzes many of the problems and alleged "errors" we are confronted with. The student will learn the errors of the Critics and the simple principles and methods, by hands on application, which always yield a resolution that allows us to accurately defend the authority of the Bible.
BT211 The Law and the Grace - This is an healing and exciting course covering the covenants In details. Deal with sabbatarianism issues reexamined.
BT213 Religious Investigatory Proyect BTH- a long writing work or involving personal research, written by a candidate for a degree.
BT214 Pastoral Care -1 - In its most general sense, pastoral care refers to the ministries/services usually performed by a pastor. Some denominations of the Christian faith use the phrase to refer to more specific aspects of a pastor's ministry, such as counseling and visitation. The core idea of "pastoral care" is that pastors are to care. The word pastor comes from the Latin word for "shepherd." A pastor is to be a shepherd or caretaker of God's flock. "Be shepherds of God's flock that is under your care, serving as overseers not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not greedy for money, but eager to serve; not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock" (1 Peter 5:2-3).
BT215 Pastoral Care -2 - Many people have a misunderstanding of what exactly pastors do, thinking that their primary responsibility is preaching on Sunday. The joke that pastors only work one day a week could not be further from the truth. Beyond preparing and delivering a sermon, pastors provide biblical counseling, visit the sick and injured in hospitals, and disciple members of the congregation through phone calls, lunch meetings, and other social engagements. Many pastors serve as chaplains in hospitals, the military, workplaces, schools, and prisons. All of these ministries are aspects of pastoral care.
BT216 Counsel for the Sick and Dying - You step off the elevator as nurses pushing beds and doctors reading clipboards whiz by. Then you find the room around the corner, quietly greet the nurse as she exits, and find your church member in her hospital bed staring out the window into the grey skies. "I'm glad you're here, counselor," she tells you, "but where's God?"
What counsel will you offer in response? You only have several precious moments to give an answer, so you look for the chair in the corner and push it near the bed. She turns to look at you with tears in her eyes. "Why me?" she asks. "It shouldn't end this way. Will God heal me?" she pleads. The seconds are passing by as she waits for your response. What hope will you offer?
BT217 Escathology - Premillenial Faith - Although premillennialism continues to be popular today, it is by no means a new doctrine. Rather, because of its solid foundation in Biblical truth, premillennialism has been a prominent system of interpretation throughout church history. This course introducing systems of interpretation and their vital importance in studying prophecy. Then proceeds to trace how premillennialism has its basis in history, hermeneutics, the Abrahamic covenant, Davidic covenant, new covenant, ecclesiology, and eschatology. Whether you are new to premillennialist teaching, or whether you are interested in a more systematic understanding of its basis in Scripture, the contents of this course will clarify, instruct, and inspire.
BT218 Family in Perspective - Family diversity is the term used to describe the numerous family structures which exist outside the traditional family structure. Rapoport and Rapoport (1982) identify some types of family diversity.
BT219 Sexual Orientation Dilemma - There are differences among counselor educators based on gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation and religion. Christian counselors are also diverse in their religious affiliations, which include Roman Catholic, Episcopal, Presbyterian, Methodist, Baptist, pentecostals and scores of others denominations. Denominations develop based on how people interpret biblical teachings to support modern-day issues. Denominations differ in how they view same-sex orientation. Members of fundamentalism denominations tend to interpret the Bible in a strict, nonflexible manner and believe homosexuality is sinful and abomination. They believe the Bible word for word, while members of non fundamentalism denominations believe the Bible must be applied to modern times. Fundamentalism Christians may not affirm same-sex orientation and may be opposed to same-sex marriage, while more liberal Christians may be more accepting of same-sex orientation. We discuss this dilemma in this class.
BT220 Expository Preaching - Expository preaching is a form of preaching that details the meaning of a particular text or passage of Scripture. It explains what the Bible means by what it says. Exegesis is technical and grammatical exposition, a careful drawing out of the exact meaning of a passage in its original context. The content of expository preaching is the Word of God. The method of deriving the sermon is the application of a literal, historical, grammatical method of interpretation and exegesis. The quality of the sermon is accuracy to the text of God's Word. The goal of expository preaching is to represent or expose to view or plainly reveal what God and the authors of Scripture meant by what they said, exactly and entirely. The practical purpose of expository preaching is to show how the text of Scripture is to be applied in the believer's life. The expository sermon must also be personally applied by the preacher and delivered in the power of the Holy Spirit. The mode of delivery is public preaching or proclamation.
Costos de Matrícula
Nuestros costos son sumamente bajos. Lo que queremos es dar un servicio a la Iglesia del Señor. Nos obstante, hay unos gastos que son necesario sufragar.
Asociado en Teología
No incluye libros de textos ni graduación
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Bachillerato en Teología
No incluye libros de textos ni graduación
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Costos de Graduación y Materias
Varían de acuerdo al año de graduación y el grado
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Tramitación de Documentos
· Certificado de Estudios: $10.00
.Certificación de Graduación: $10.00
· Trascripción de Créditos: $10.00
· Duplicado del Diploma: $50.00
Pasos de Ingreso y Comienzo de Clases
Cómo estudiar exitosamente en el NCTS
Primer Paso
Orientación y matrícula en el Templo de la Iglesia Nueva Creación, en Cabo Rojo el 2do. Sábado del mes de diciembre. Resolver asuntos económicos.
Segundo Paso
El lunes siguiente recibirá por email todo el material de estudios de las materias para enero. Las clases presenciales comenzarán el segundo o tercer sábado de enero.
Tercer Paso
Clase presencial en el Templo de la Iglesia Nueva Creación en Cabo Rojo. El primer sábado del mes. Se toma el examen final de cada materia y se tienen que entregar todos los trabajos escritos.